As I mentioned in my remarks, I think it's very important to take the opportunity in the near term to define a new path forward. We now have several years of positive financial results. That does give breathing space for the corporation to think about how to move forward.
I think it is very important that we engage with employees, as well as the customers we serve, in terms of how we can improve service delivery moving into the future. We need to focus on ensuring that we have a respectful and productive workplace for employees. We need to ensure that we are defining the solutions to be competitive in this very disruptive world of changing e-commerce and changing the way we communicate with each other.
Canada Post and all of its employees have done a very successful job over the past few years of capturing a very strong position in the parcels business. We need to ensure that we maintain that, but it's not a static situation. We need to continue to look at how to remain competitive, how to continue to grow services that customers are looking for, and how to ensure that over the very long term we continue to maintain our situation of being financially self-sustainable.