In answer to your question, there are a number of specific reports, whether it's the Ernst & Young report, the Conference Board of Canada report, or even the World Economic Forum report. In all three cases, not to mention the anecdotal and sometimes quantitative measures that we learn from some of the big businesses like General Motors and Accenture and others, to your point, those programs did in fact address those barriers. I think a lot of evidence shows this in different ways.
Going back to Annette's point on capital, part of it is that when you have this order from the government, a purchase order, you have the ability to take that to the bank and get financing because you have a long-term supply contract. It's incredibly powerful. It gives you collateral that you otherwise wouldn't have. It also brings you something to walk in to other customers with. The one thing we heard at both this study and the growth council is how come our own government, at any level of government, isn't a first customer? If we're trying to grow and are putting all this investment through ISED and other places into innovation, into trying to develop new businesses and scale them, why don't we have the governments really stepping up in creative ways to ensure that they are first customers for these companies? I must say that time and time again we've certainly heard about the cases where we have companies here and their first customer is in the United States.
To your point, I think it does give them access to additional supply chains, so it helps them build their customer base and their network. It gives them access to capital that they seem not to have to the same degree that male-owned companies do. Also, of course, there are all the benefits that Accenture, General Motors, and others have identified, where it brings employee engagement, it helps you on hiring, and it also helps you in terms of access to more customers who are proud to do business with somebody who looks towards diversification in the supply chain.
Yes, I agree with you that there are a number of benefits if you have the federal government as your customer.