Thank you, Mr. Chair.
We circulated a deck to all members in advance of the meeting, both I and the deputy minister from Shared Services Canada, just to situate the hearing on estimates.
You have three things in front of you: the plan for 2017-18, which seems like a long time ago—our results; the supplementary estimates for the current year; and interim estimates for the upcoming fiscal year. That's all bundled into one hearing.
If you have the deck in front of you, I'll take you very quickly to slide 3. This is a PSPC slide. I want to flag where we are. In authorities to date, plus supplementary estimates (B), in relation to the previous year, we're up about 2%. So PSPC, as a department, is basically seeking, or on track for, 2% more authorities than it had the previous fiscal year.
On slide 4, some of this has been touched on, but here are the highlights in terms of what we are seeking in supplementary estimates (B): new authorities related to card acceptance and postage fees; some space requirements for Government of Canada employees, $28 million; some adjustments to existing authorities, which relates to revenue from sales of real property, and we're happy to speak about what those properties are; and some authorities related to the pay system. Then there are some transfers back and forth between PSPC and other departments. The big one in there relates to a transfer from the National Research Council for contracting work around the build in Canada innovation program.
On slide 5, 2019-20, the upcoming fiscal year....