First, let me tell you that we are heartbroken when we hear these stories. We want employees to get paid and we are working so hard to fix the system and make sure that we get to our steady state as soon as possible.
We have done many things. One is that, to start with, we've tried to prioritize our work so that if employees do not get paid and should, they have a place to go. If they're not finding their way through their department, they come directly to us through some of the forms and processes we've put in place, so we can actually know and act on it. We've put some additional systems in place to make sure employees would have that. It's the same thing for the emergency payments. If they need them and can't get them through their department, we make sure they have a process by which we can help them get that.
Now, in terms of compensation, you may have heard that our colleagues at Treasury Board have put a system in place. A claims unit has been set up. On their website, they have some of the eligible expenses. There's an across-government process so that everybody is treated fairly and will be made whole.