Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank both of you for being here to answer our questions.
I will touch on a slightly more technical side. I would like to talk about the number of disclosures. I am always a little concerned when I hear politicians casting doubt on mechanisms that are specifically designed to reassure public servants, the public service, the government and, ultimately, the public. The doubts expressed always concern the effectiveness of the system, which was implemented a few years ago. It is always perfectible. Indeed, we can always improve on things; it's normal. The important thing for me is knowing whether it works well, whether the corrective measures respond to the problems raised. Confidentiality is very important. You just mentioned it. It is perhaps the rule that, above all else, will allow people to feel comfortable becoming whistleblowers.
The 2015-16 annual report indicates that 385 disclosures were processed during that period. Some figures decrease from year to year, while others increase. In total, 31 processed disclosures resulted in corrective action, an increase of 82% over 2014-15.
Seen in this light, I think the numbers are pretty encouraging. There is no evidence to suggest that, by correlation, the 400,000 employees should result in thousands of disclosures. On the contrary, there should be very few. In theory, these disclosure figures can make people panic, but it should be the opposite.
Could you tell us whether any particular trends or problems emerged from those 31 disclosures that were processed and that led to action?