In terms of the fear of reprisal, there's anecdotal...that it is out there, but it's very hard to assess. It's hard to assess who has withheld the desire to disclose a wrongdoing. That's something difficult that we should all be thinking about: how to better assess that.
The data that we do have, though, indicates a very constant number of disclosures of wrongdoing, which isn't an unhealthy thing. It's actually quite a healthy thing in terms of having anywhere from 234 to 291 wrongdoings being brought forward per year. There is a sense that there is a willingness to show. Now if it were 17, 18, or 19, we'd be saying that we have a problem here and that there's obviously something that's not working.
It's hard to grapple with people's intentions and their not wanting to follow through with their intentions.