Thank you.
Mr. Chair, and members of Parliament, thank you very much for the invitation this morning.
It is my distinct pleasure to address you today on the subject of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act in the context of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces.
I am the designated senior officer within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces for receiving and dealing with disclosures of wrongdoing.
Before I speak about the act and provide my organization's perspective, I would like to briefly address my responsibilities inside the organization.
First, in my role as assistant deputy minister, review services, I am responsible for providing the deputy minister and the chief of the defence staff with assurance services regarding the adequacy of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces' internal controls; governance and accountability processes; risk management practices, compliance with government legislation, regulations and policies; as well as program effectiveness. It is important to note that my role is independent and I report directly to the deputy minister and the chief of the defence staff.
My responsibilities are carried out through the delivery of professional internal audit and evaluation programs, the conduct of special examinations and inquiries, including those related to internal disclosures, and prevention and awareness activities, as well as management of the Defence Ethics Program. My office is also the formal departmental point of contact with the Office of the Auditor General.
I maintain unfettered access to any and all information within the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, and in line with my independence function I do not manage any operational program area directly.
Canadians have an absolute right to expect all public servants and members of the Canadian Armed Forces to behave ethically and in accordance with their legal obligations. To encourage and support these values, we are committed to fostering an environment in which all employees may honestly and openly raise ethical and legal concerns without fear or threat of reprisal, consistent with the act.
As members of this committee know, the goal of the legislation is to encourage employees in the federal public sector to come forward, if they have reason to believe that serious wrongdoing has taken place. It provides clear guidance to public servants on several options for addressing and reporting wrongdoing.
The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act prohibits taking reprisal against a public servant who has made a protected disclosure in good faith or who has co-operated in an investigation. It also provides a fair and objective process to respect those accused of wrongdoing.
We have implemented the Canadian Forces disclosure process, which provides for the disclosure of wrongdoing by a Canadian Armed Forces member, in order to comply with section 52 of the act, which requires the Canadian Armed Forces to establish procedures for the disclosure of wrongdoing, including the protection of persons who disclose wrongdoing, deemed comparable by the Treasury Board to those established under the Act.
The Canadian Armed Forces internal disclosure regime is built on the same tenets as the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act and includes the following.
There is a definition of what constitutes wrongdoing. There is a process for disclosure of wrongdoing with established procedures. There is the designation of a senior officer, which is my role. The committee will note, as I mentioned earlier, that I do not form part of the Canadian Armed Forces' chain of command. There is a prohibition against reprisal for any Canadian Armed Forces member making a disclosure of wrongdoing. It is important to know that any allegation of reprisal under the Canadian Armed Forces regime is investigated directly by me. Finally, there are confidentiality and annual reporting requirements.
In the belief that the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces will benefit from a common ethical foundation that respects the unique mandate of each, the deputy minister and the chief of the defence staff have established a joint Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Code of Values and Ethics.
It is important to highlight, Mr. Chair, that the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act assigns a departmental responsibility for implementing the provisions of the act to the chief executive.
Within the Department of National Defence, the chief executive is the deputy minister, who is responsible to designate a senior officer—me—to direct the development and implementation of internal procedures for the receipt and investigation of wrongdoing and to ensure that the obligations under the Act are fulfilled.
Under the Canadian Armed Forces disclosure process, the chief of the defence staff has designated me as the proper authority for purposes of the Queen's regulations and orders.
In these dual roles, I direct the development and implementation of internal procedures for the disclosure of wrongdoing, ensure that the obligations under the act and the Canadian Armed Forces disclosure process are fulfilled, ensure that corrected measures are taken when wrongdoing is found as a result of a disclosure, and oversee on behalf of the deputy minister and the chief of the defence staff the preparation of the annual report required by the office of the chief human resources officer of Treasury Board.
This brings me to the question of awareness. One may have the best legal and ethical framework in the world, but if few people are aware of its existence, it is all beside the point. Mindful of this, we have taken great care to promote our Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Code of Values and Ethics and its relationship with our internal disclosure program in particular.
The Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces Code of Values and Ethics represents an important element of the Defence ethics program, which will allow us to proactively shape, promote, and develop an ethical culture that reflects and supports public sector and Canadian Armed Forces values and ethics. Leadership and management at all levels are expected to visibly promote and support the values and ethics of this code.
Our training and awareness activities include an internal disclosure website that provides guidance on how to submit a disclosure as well as relevant contact information to assist those who may have additional questions regarding wrongdoing reprisals.
We have also posted online disclosure of wrongdoing guidelines for our DND employees and Canadian Armed Forces members. We have integrated an internal disclosure curriculum into other training for employees and members; for example, on-boarding for new employees, defence ethics training, and also prevention workshops at bases and wings.
I am pleased to say that we have dedicated resources to our internal disclosure process, befitting a large and complex organization. These include a full-time dedicated internal disclosure office and investigation section responsible for investigating all manner of alleged wrongdoing in the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces.
The team responsible for conducting these investigations includes former RCMP and military police officers along with a team of forensic examiners who are specialists in the area of finance and accounting.
In developing and refining our program, we continue to work within the larger government setting through our participation in the interdepartmental working group on internal disclosure. In addition, we provide guidance to and share best practices with other government departments on a regular basis.
In closing, I would like to reiterate that our goal is to ensure that every employee and member of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces has the opportunity to report wrongdoing wherever they believe it exists. An internal disclosure program that is well understood and trusted will form the basis for improvements and priorities as we continue to mature our program at the Department of National Defence and Canadian Armed Forces.
In turn, this will ensure that the Canadian public remains confident in the DND Canadian Armed Forces process as the department exercises its roles and responsibilities.
Mr. Chair, that concludes my presentation. Thank you very much for the opportunity. I look forward to answering your questions.
Thank you.