Thank you for the question on risk. I thought I would just bring it down to a few more practical terms.
We follow the Treasury Board guidance on project management and risks assessments, so we actually do an organizational assessment of ourselves. Marty, in the CFO role, leads that across Lisa's branch, our real property business, our pay and pension business, etc. We have a robust governance in and around that.
We are one of the few departments across government that have received an organizational project management risk assessment, OPMCA—it's called complexity and risk assessment—of three. The maturity levels are one, two, three, or four, and we have three.
Because we offer our services to other government departments, sometimes they come to us when they do a project complexity risk assessment on a particular item, like Giant Mine, which was in the news today. INAC would work closely with us to come in and do the stabilization effort and the remediation effort of Giant Mine, because we are known to departments to manage risk really well. There is an internal governance around our investment planning, etc. We could get into a long discussion, but I probably have five seconds.
I just wanted to give some assurance that we manage risk within our department in accordance with the Treasury Board policy, and we do it quite well.
Thank you.