One of the challenges—or perhaps guiding principles—that we've identified is balancing the rigour and completeness of our work with timeliness. We're quite conscious of the fact that we are doing more than simply processing files that do not have human faces or human consequences.
That does form, I can assure you, part of our discussions around LEAN, and it informs our continuing discussion concerning our service standards. Are they realistic? Are they achievable when we are looking at goals that are more than simply closing cases? Yet that still is an important part of our work....
Timeliness also has, in our world, an emotional component as well. Many people who come to us have been through a number of other processes or have been waiting to come to us for a long period of time. When they muster up the courage—if I can use that expression—to come to us, they're hoping, in many cases, for a timely result. I can assure you that we are, on an ongoing and constant basis, aware of the need to balance those potentially competing interests.