Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Green, just to correct you, you didn't have one motion that had documents due yesterday. In fact, there were two separate motions, both of which were adopted by the committee. I raise this because the documents coming from both motions have to be treated somewhat differently, based on the way the motions were written.
For the motion regarding the information coming from the national emergency strategic stockpile, those documents have been received by my office. However, those documents will be vetted by the law clerk, as per the terms of the motion. We are transmitting those documents to the law clerk's office now. I have not heard from the law clerk on how long it will take them to vet those documents. As soon as I get an estimate, I can transmit that to you. The law clerk was unable to provide me with any sort of indication until they saw the number of documents or the number of pages submitted to them. As soon as I have more information on this, I'll be able to let you and the committee members know.
With regard to the second motion, which deals with disaggregated data, this information, as per the motion, does not have to be vetted by the law clerk's office. We can publish it directly to the committee's web page. We have received a very large number of documents related to this motion. We are currently working on having them posted as soon as possible. I would not like to venture giving you a hard and fast deadline of when we intend...however, I'm hoping that if all goes well, by early next week the documents will all be published on the committee web page. A note will be sent to the members indicating when they are all available.
I believe that is everything I have to say at this point, but I am prepared to take questions if members have any.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.