Would your department maybe submit to the committee what actions the TBS is taking about the laggards? If 84% are meeting the legislative timelines, what are we doing about the ones that aren't?
I want to move on. It's on the same page.
The percentage of departments that maintain and manage their assets over their life cycle was 73% last year, and for some reason, we're dropping to a goal of 60%. In the departmental plan, it states that, I think, 11 departments make up the majority of the assets that have to be maintained. I don't expect an answer right now. You can get back to us on this one. What is the value of those assets of which you've stated 11 departments make up the majority? What is the value of those assets? These are assets owned by the Canadian taxpayer. Why is it that the government is setting a goal of just 60% of these valuable assets to be maintained?
I would think that if it's billions of dollars' worth of assets—again, respecting our taxpayers and their rights—we would have goals set at, if not 100%, at least an increase over last year's results. Instead, our goal is at least 60%.
I'll be honest. I do not accept this argument that it's a floor. The Treasury Board framework lays out very clearly the purpose of departmental plans, and it states priorities and purposes. Departmental plans aren't where you put in minimal expectations. They're your priorities.
The government is prioritizing 40% of departments not to maintain or manage taxpayers' own assets. Why?
Okay, maybe get back to us.
I'm looking at the departmental plans and the Treasury Board departmental results. With regard to percentage of departmental results indicators of which targets are achieved, they've stated achieving 71% of their targets: 71% last year and 71% this year. When I go to the open.canada.ca website, it actually shows 38.7% achieved. Why is there the discrepancy between what's tabled in the House of Commons, to Parliament, and actual numbers on the website? There were 75 indicators, and the website said that 38% were achieved. However, the departmental plan and the DRR both show 71%.
Again, maybe get back to us.