No, it's okay.
The CSE is not a regulatory agency, so it does not endorse or ban specific technologies or specific companies. However, I think, more importantly, the first part of your question gets to the heart of the matter: How do we ensure that departments and agencies know when to come to the CSE to have it do its assessment, one part of which, in this case, is looking at the ownership and the business practices of the entity in question?
I think that's exactly what I was getting at earlier when I said that, because technology is evolving, things we didn't use to look at we now should start looking at because capabilities with embedded operating systems and USB ports that didn't use to exist in X-ray machines now do.
I think that's really the biggest step that those of us here as witnesses today are working on together: to add into the procurement process flags that come up when equipment that falls into these particular categories is being acquired so that the departments making the acquisitions know to reach out to the CSE.