There are two parts to that question. I'll try to be brief to allow you follow-ups, because I suspect you might want to do that.
The first is that, as an enterprise service provider, we need enterprise-grade solutions. Microsoft is the vendor in this space, and we have set up a large relationship with them for things such as Office 365 and Teams. IBM and Unisys are the mainframe vendors; we have specific relationships with them, and it moves like that. The same is true, frankly, with networks. Most networks around the planet run on Cisco and Cisco gear.
As one of the members, MP MacKinnon, pointed out earlier, when Shared Services was created we didn't even know what was given to us. We had to inventory all that stuff. As we've done that and as we try to fix it when it breaks, it's important that we replace it like for like so we know it works.