I heard the question.
I can answer that.
That is a phenomenon we continue to see. We're storing more and we're using the networks more for video and voice, plus all of the applications.
It is for infrastructure. That will be to replace end-of-life gear or to put network switching gear, storage, servers and those sorts of investments in infrastructure into the data centres and the network. It breaks down into two categories, which are replacing those things that are end-of-life so they don't break and fail on us, and installing new to support the growth that is occurring.
As to the question of why we are seeing an increase in expenditures, it is because the unit costs go down every year with IT—that's Moore's Law—but the volumes go up faster than the price comes down. We're using the networks more and we're using the technology more. The unit cost goes down, but the utilization goes up, which means we need more gear and more capacity.