Under the Access to Information Act, it's the Treasury Board Secretariat that is responsible for administering the act. It is the department that is responsible for sending notifications, policies or explanations on how to apply the act and for making sure that the administration is done properly. However, within each department, the minister is responsible for the administration of its own responses to the Access to Information Act and for making sure that the operation is working, that they have sufficient resources and that they have sufficient people working on it. They are also responsible for sending guidance and directions.
If a leader believes in access and believes in transparency, the rest of the department will work towards that. What we see is that in some departments, it's working really well. They have great leadership and great guidance. With regard to others, I was worried. It's what happened during the pandemic, with people working from home, working on their phones and on Teams and not taking notes, not recording what was happening. Again, I think it is a leadership issue.