The reason I say that is that after Minh Doan threatened me, I reported his threat to my supervisor, who called over to Ted Gallivan, the executive vice-president at the CBSA. I don't know what their discussion entailed; I only know that the feedback that I heard was that it seemed likely, because of behaviours of Minh Doan, that Minh Doan would be going on sick leave within a week and a half. This was prior to OGGO happening.
Mr. Doan went on sick leave, and I got a text message from Kelly Belanger saying that Minh was in the hospital having his heart checked and that he wanted to say thank you for the message I sent, the one that got me in so much trouble with the reporter because I had sent him notes on what he should say at OGGO.
Then, miraculously, he comes back to work, moves over to Treasury Board and gets promoted to be chief technology officer. That certainly couldn't be a less stressful job than what he was in before for someone who had heart problems.
Then we have OGGO coming up again, and I'm under the understanding that Mr. Doan is now on medical leave again and can't participate.
I can tell you that I'm not going to disclose my medical issues, but I have a doctor's note for seven months from my family doctor, who's known me since I was eight months old, and I'm still coming here because it's a matter of integrity and it's a matter of importance for me, my children, my wife and my family to know that I'll stick up for myself and that I'll tell the truth.