I don't expect to be contacted, but if I am, I'm happy to comply.
If I could just answer you, Mr. Bachrach, I don't know what we've said that you find unbelievable. We provided evidence both to this committee and to the Auditor General that it was not us who selected GC Strategies. It's unfortunate the Auditor General didn't have the time to incorporate that into her report. We did speak with the Auditor General very late in the process, but it's very clear that we did not.
These came from CBSA's own notes, notes which were shared with the president, President O'Gorman. I don't take offence to your statement that it's not believable. I just don't understand what isn't believable. We don't have the authority to put contracts in place, and we clearly didn't make this decision. Those are the facts as they are.