Thank you very much.
I will just make a comment.
In a previous life, I was a teacher, and I had to plan everything from A to Z. I couldn't forget anything, and that sometimes also included the cost of activities. When I hear comments, on both sides, I am under the impression that there is no happy medium. It would seem that, either we move very quickly and make purchases elsewhere at a lower price, or we go very slowly, which leads to much higher costs, but which makes better accountability possible.
Transparency is necessary, but it seems to me there could be a happy medium, something effective, because we are talking about taxpayers' money, and not about the desires of one or two companies. Taxpayers' money is used for the defence of their territory and territorial sovereignty. That is important.
That being said, two shipyards are currently qualified. Would it have been good for there to be a third one earlier in the strategy's implementation to make the process efficient and more fluid?
The question is open to everyone.