Frankly, you can look at the two programs we're going to be talking about today and be disgusted. Here we are, talking about 12 years before we get our planes. Christian mentioned that.
There was no reason 12 years ago, on July 16, 2010, to bypass all proper process and announce sole-sourcing for a jet. One does not spend billions of dollars of taxpayers' money on the say-so of someone. The way to make sure the military knows what it needs is to run a competition. In 2010, nobody had any idea what this thing would finally cost or even what it could do. To suggest that we should sole-source at the time was an abomination. Those things should not happen.
If they did not happen, then at the appropriate time—because these were going to be replaced by 2018-19—you go ahead and run the competition in advance and you get what you need in an appropriate time frame.