I'm also going to focus on the rebate piece, because constituents in my community are certainly concerned about the environment, but they're also faced with this affordability challenge.
I'm going to look at some of the folks from your part of the world.
Alan, from Saskatoon, says that the carbon rebate he gets four times a year is crucial for his household budget. Without the funds, Alan, who is on disability assistance, says he'll have to scale back on spending for his everyday needs. Germaine, from Saskatoon, says she relies on the carbon rebate for essentials, and while she is on disability assistance, the carbon rebate is a key part of her budget. Peter Gilmore, an advocate for the Anti-Poverty Ministry in Regina, says those on low incomes rely on rebates to pay for essentials.
Do you know how many people in Saskatchewan rely on these rebates to get by in the midst of an affordability crisis?