Thank you. Your answer allows me to move to my next question.
When you're planning something, in my opinion, it involves looking beyond the end of your nose and considering all the elements that will be affected, or as many factors as possible. In short, it's about having a global vision. Unfortunately, that's not what we're seeing, and that is what you're saying, to a degree. It's as if everything is done on an ad hoc basis, to look as good as possible and get the best flowers thrown at you. Perhaps my question will be more specific.
What are the consequences of the lack of coordination between programs and of working in a vacuum, without an overall picture of the situation? In my opinion, this means that we can give subsidies or tax credits to the oil industry, for example, while saying we're going to plant 2 billion trees, but without seeing how these two ideas can come together, move away from each other, or even interfere with each other.
What are the consequences of not having a program overview?