Thank you. We know that you're a proud representative of your riding and that you have the ability to be a proud representative of the diversity of the people in your riding. We can feel it in your values, and we can see it in your actions.
Indeed, we're fortunate to have a large bilingual country where people, particularly in the Canadian government, have the right to express themselves in the official language of their choice. The investments in the translation bureau that are part of the estimates are absolutely essential investments.
I know that some of the interpreters are listening today. We know how difficult and decisive their work is for our work, and we are grateful to them. They need tools to do their job, tools to protect their health, particularly their hearing health. As you said so well, it enables francophones who have the opportunity to live in your riding and other francophones across the country, particularly those here in the House of Commons, to do their work in support of their communities.