Okay. Agents of Parliament are “agents” of Parliament. We are your agents, and PSIC is one of those agents. We are established to be independent, and “independent” means that we need to be protected from influence, and there needs to be the appearance that there can't be influence. The same applies to other agents of Parliament.
We have to submit budgets through a minister, and in our case, it's the President of the Treasury Board. In the case, for example, of the access to information commissioner, I believe she has to go through the Minister of Justice, if I'm not mistaken. It has to go through their office before it's passed on to Finance, where there's further vetting. It can be stopped at any level. It can be slow-walked at any level. It could be influenced at any level. That, in my view, calls into question the level of independence that we have.
I am not for a moment suggesting that anybody has manipulated the system. I want to be very clear that I do not feel that anybody has manipulated the system to the disadvantage of PSIC or has manipulated the funding of PSIC. I don't think those games are being played. Nevertheless, the process should ensure that it cannot happen. We are agents of Parliament, in my view, and we should be going to Parliament for our budget approvals.
Does that answer your question?