First of all, just the number of issues that are being dealt with at any particular time.... I saw it in foreign affairs. You have to move 60,000 Canadians from different parts of the world. That's not been done before.
When I was there, we established a supply chain for PPE. That's not in the book. When you become a diplomat, it's not supposed to say, “You build a supply chain.” We had to figure that out. That was from China. At one particular point, 93% of our PPE supply came from China. Deloitte helped. Deloitte played a role, but it was actually civil servants who were doing that. There were tons of other issues going on at the same time.
There's a huge workload that we need to look at. I think the speed with which information moves.... There's not time to be able to absorb and think. You have to react very quickly. There's not enough time to get ahead for the next issue that comes along.
You then have the whole digitization. This is something that's happening to every organization. Customers expect it. They get it from their retailers and they expect it from government, but frankly, we have some quite decrepit systems that have to be shifted. That's a lot of work to be able to do it.
We have to look at some of those elements that are putting pressure on the civil servants and their ability to do their job. I think that would be a very productive process.