Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Good afternoon, Minister.
My Conservative colleague again referenced Mr. Dominic Barton, almost as if on cue.
I'd like to read, into the record, an op-ed piece that appeared in the Toronto Star this afternoon, which was penned by the Honourable John Reynolds. He is a former Conservative MP and a former Conservative leader. He is assessing the performance of my colleagues around the table, when it comes to this issue. He writes:
The attacks levied against [Mr. Barton] by the Conservative party I once led are baseless. Barton is not friends with Trudeau. He did not leverage a non-existent friendship for economic benefit to himself or McKinsey. In fact, in the roles noted above, he accepted far less remuneration than he might otherwise have to help our country and our government.
He continues on:
These repeated accusations are not only disingenuous but speak to a more worrisome attack—an attack on infusing more talent into our government and the public sector. If this is the treatment that high-profile business leaders can expect after lending their talents to the public sector, most will simply take a pass. And it's a shame.
I'll continue here, as well:
...the Conservative Party of Canada needs to ditch the cheap politics and bring forward its own ideas about how to improve our country. Until its MPs can take these steps, I question that they will be taken seriously enough by Canadians.... And if Canadians do give them a mandate to govern, who will want to help them?
Minister, you mentioned a very serious subject: the challenge of labour shortages in this country. Can you please speak to that challenge, the urgency of it and why it's an “all hands on deck” approach in terms of the necessity for Canadians to meet that challenge?