Thank you very much, Chair.
Respectfully, Minister, things just aren't adding up here. We have a public service that is saying that McKinsey is implicated. We have the media saying that McKinsey is implicated in deciding the policy. We have two former ministers, one of them your predecessor, saying that McKinsey was implicated in deciding policy—poor policy at that—for your department.
You're writing it off. You're saying you don't know anything about this. Did no one brief you? Someone must have told you where these numbers came from originally. Guess what: The media and your public service and your predecessor are saying they came from McKinsey.
Whether or not you're aware, or whether or not you're willing to admit it, this is what everyone else is saying. For you to even deny what happened previous to your arrival into this position.... I get it. You've only been there since December 2021. It's easy to say that you don't know. It's the same with your deputy minister, who's only been there since September 2022. It's really easy to say that you take no responsibility for anything that happened before you.
This is the picture you're painting today. It sounds as though you are going against—and it's either ignorance or denial—what the public service, the media and your predecessors are saying. That's not a good enough answer for me. That's not a good enough answer for the official opposition. That's not a good enough answer for, I believe, all of the opposition parties on this side of the table. It's not a good enough answer for Canadians, Minister, that you would say, “I don't know. Everyone is saying this, but I have no idea about it.”
Now, your colleague on the other side of the table is trying to save your bacon, saying, “Forget McKinsey. We're just here to talk about service delivery.” Guess what: You're failing on that as well, with 2.1 million in the backlog. Even if you did create these targets, which everyone in the public service, the media and in the former cabinet is saying, then no matter who created these numbers, you're failing. You're failing not only in the historical background or the corporate knowledge not having been passed on...or trying to deny it, which everyone on this side of the table and those in the public service and the media believe you're doing.
In addition to that, you're also failing in the service delivery. There's no way you can deny that, regardless of the he-said-she-said, or John Reynolds said this, or someone else said that. You can't deny that.
I mean, what do you have to say to Canadians when you are admitting that you have no knowledge about the corporate background of the numbers and how you came to arrive at these numbers? You just show up here and say, “Oh, I don't know,” and then your colleague tries to say, “Oh, well, we're here about service delivery.” But you're failing on that too.
What do you say to Canadians regarding both of those things, Minister?