I agree with everything that was stated.
I would be just as concerned and I would be just as perturbed if it had been any other member of any other party who had been denied their ability to cast their vote and have their say, whether it's based on technical reasons or not. I think this is important.
I don't think this is something we can simply sweep under the rug. It's important. It needs to be addressed. I believe it had an impact on the course of the discussions here at committee.
Again, I understand as well.... I want to emphasize that it was unintentional. I understand that, but I think it's important. I want to emphasize that, again, whether it's one party or another, it's important for all of us to stand up and protect every MP's right to have their voice heard and have their vote count. That is the very foundation of this democracy and this process.
Like I said, during the entire meeting today, I had it in the back of my mind, because it didn't sit well with me. It didn't feel right, and it's something I felt we needed to address.
I certainly hope the Speaker clarifies it for other committees and other committee members, so that this doesn't happen again, because, again, who knows? In this instance, it was a six-to-four vote that became a five-to-four vote, but in other situations, the stakes may be much greater and much higher.
My colleague, Madame Vignola, raises some important concerns here. Again, there should never be a situation when we allow someone to have their voice cancelled and their vote disenfranchised.
From my perspective, it doesn't matter on which side of the aisle that person stands. We have to defend their right to be heard and their right for their vote to be counted. I think there needs to be some clarification on that, and it needs to be communicated by the Speaker to the House and to other committees, so that we don't have a repeat of this.