Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to the committee for the opportunity to come to have an exchange today. I'm very pleased to be invited. I hope to be helpful to your study and will come at it with three perspectives.
First, I am now working part time at the University of Ottawa on public sector management issues, not on “what” government does but “how” it does it. You can find a series of articles, podcasts and interviews on my LinkedIn feed, if you're curious.
Second, unlike my fellow academics in the field, I was an executive in the public service for 28 years, a deputy minister for 17 and head of the public service for three. I have some experience in getting work done and with the issues associated with using external contractors and, indeed, managing public servants.
Third, I have done a handful of small consulting gigs over the past three years since I left government. I have a little bit of exposure to the world of consulting firms and the perspectives of suppliers.
I sent the committee clerk a while ago two articles I wrote earlier this year. I hope you've had them. One was on February 7 in Policy Options about the use of outside contractors. The other was on February 11 in The Globe and Mail. It made some suggestions on how to strengthen public sector capacity. In the interest of your time, I won't go over my Policy Options article in any detail. I'm happy to take questions. The short takeaway is that the issue is not whether to use outside suppliers of services but how to use them for best effect.
One thing I do want to say on the record is that you're not bystanders to this. Some of the demand for the use of consultants comes from elected politicians, and always will. I worked with several ministers over the years from both sides who were instinctively skeptical of public service advice, or their delivery skills, and wanted validation from an outside perspective. I don't see that ever changing, and there's nothing wrong with it. No elected politicians will ever want to be completely dependent on the public service, and nor should they be. They would always want outside perspective from time to time.
In the discussion that broke out earlier this year, concerns have been raised about the public sector's potential dependency on outside help. That's a valid concern. Concerns about getting value for money for taxpayers are valid. Concerns about the ongoing capability of the public sector are valid, and I wish drew more sustained and consistent attention.
Personally, I don't buy the gloom and doom diagnostic that's been running over the last few months, at least not in full, but if you choose to buy into that diagnostic, a question arises: What will you do about it? You're people with influence as members of the government and members of the government in waiting.
I made a number of suggestions in the piece I wrote for the Globe and Mail, and I have more if you're interested. First, we do not need a one-off royal commission on the public service. We need a more robust supply chain and a variety of sources of ideas and innovation, not just about policy but especially about management.
The committee could, and I encourage you to, endorse any or all of the five measures I proposed in my Globe and Mail piece. Create a new House-Senate committee on the public service. Recreate the advisory committee to the Prime Minister that existed in the past. Ramp up interchanges between the public service and other sectors to at least 100 people in each direction each year. Create a better government fund of about $20 million a year to generate ideas and a safe place for debating them in universities, think tanks and foundations. Finally, use the Council of the Federation and other fora to bring together federal, provincial, municipal and indigenous governments on common work plans and agendas for a more effective public sector for Canada.
Here's another one that's my reaction to the recent budget. It isn't good enough to just set a target to spend less on consultants. That's a classic half measure. The other half that is missing is a commitment to double the annual investment in training and leadership development within the public service. I would like to see a commitment to protect training and leadership development budgets when the operating budgets are cut by 3% in the coming years. You should ask the government for that commitment. You could ask the parliamentary budget office to provide you with a thorough baseline study of what the government spends on training and leadership development, both in-house and external suppliers. What does it spend to reinvest in and recapitalize its most important asset—its labour force?
My recommendation to you as a committee is that the next big study you take on should be about the capability of the public service, how to sustain it and how to improve it. Instead of always looking back, look forward. Think about future-proofing. Call witnesses, make implementable recommendations and call for a government response.
I would like to see all political parties make at least three specific implementable commitments in their platforms in the coming election that speak to how they would improve public sector capacity—not generalities, but specific commitments.
You can believe in big government, limited government, a more expansive role for the federal government in the federation or a more limited role for the federal government in the federation, but I hope you will all agree that Canadians want good government.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'll be happy to take your questions later.