Thanks, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to my colleague Mrs. Kusie for this motion.
We've been dealing with this for some time. There was a lot of discussion about the volume of documents requested and the amount of time it has taken, but it was an order of the committee that the documents be produced.
There are a lot of great things parliamentary committees can do, and there are matters still under review by the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates that can be completed over this term of Parliament. However, the situation we're faced with is this: If we undertake a study on diversity in procurement or on shipbuilding, or one that expands to Deloitte, KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers.... If we want to review the criteria used by government to award contracts, and whether these should be awarded to companies that have been involved in supercharging opioid sales in other countries and attempting to do so in this country; that have engaged in fraudulent practices in other countries; that have been involved in election interference; that are so morally bankrupt as to hold a corporate retreat adjacent to concentration camps—specifically in an area where Canada's Parliament is said to have been—where a genocide is occurring.... If we want to look at any of those things....
If the committee wants to ask for any documents but is content with the entities from which we ask for documents just saying, “Well, it's private information, so we don't want to share it with you”, so it's case closed and Parliament doesn't need to look at it, if that's what we're content with, we can dispose of this motion, move on to those other things and not get to see anything the people we are studying or investigating don't want us to see. We're going to be pretty ineffective.
That will survive not just in this Parliament and government but also in governments into the future. Witnesses today have talked about departmental plans and government position papers from more than a decade ago. If we want to use and rely on those—the current government claimed they would do better than that, because they didn't like the conditions as they existed, but then they did the exact same thing—we're going to keep getting the same results.
It would be astonishing—and I'm frightened at the thought—to find ourselves with a single party in government forever in this country. If we don't want to improve on what happened a decade ago under a previous government, or on what's happening with this government, how could Canadians possibly expect there will be an improvement on that with future governments, particularly if the opposition sees its document production requests not being met? They will say, “We want to continue to look into things, but the government is obviously obstructing information from Parliament.” That's what's going to happen with a future government.
If we don't have the opportunity to fix it and demonstrate to departments that they're not allowed to continue to do what they claim they've always done.... “That person doesn't work here anymore, so we're not responsible for them saying our department doesn't believe the committee actually has the juice to get these documents from us. What are you going to do?” That was the gist of the email Mrs. Kusie read. I guess they're about to find out what we're going to do.
The dollars or time spent on the document production is not the issue that was raised in the failure to produce the information in the form it was ordered in by this committee. It's their refusal to give us the information. Please, I stand to be corrected by you, Chair, by the analysts, by the witnesses or anyone who is listed here that the only impediment to their meeting the request of this committee is time and money. That's not what we're hearing.
If they're saying that they need a little more time and that they're prepared to give us the documents as they become available, then we should remove those entities one by one from the list, but that's not what we're hearing. They have a different set of rules they are looking to operate by from those that Canada's Parliament operates by.
I don't work at PCO. I work for Canadians, and we have laws that allow us to order these documents. We're seeing that the servants are becoming the masters of Parliament. That's not the position we want to find ourselves in. I don't like to be there as an opposition member; I wouldn't want to be there on the government side, either. That's not how this place is supposed to work.
We had this discussion at committee. We had this discussion amongst this group several months ago—about more time. First, write them a letter and tell them we're about to take the next step. That was the request from Mr. Kusmierczyk. That was his request. I protested. I said they'd had enough time. However, just because you get your say, that doesn't mean you get your way, so we gave them more time.
Mr. Johns said he wanted to see them here and wanted to ask them questions. I protested. I thought it was sufficient that the powers are established that we're able to order these documents, but here we are and we have asked for them all to come. I haven't heard anything different from what they've said to this point.
Those were the concerns raised by the fourth party and by the government: They wanted to give them more time and give them a chance, and they wanted to hear from them. Perhaps they would say something compelling.
I find myself not compelled by what they've said. In fact, I find myself distressed because this is going to be the state of play going forward—not just for the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates, but for all parliamentary committees. If they don't feel like giving us the information, they won't. That's what we're choosing to accept or not.
Mr. Housefather and Mr. Kusmierczyk, at our previous meeting this week, said there was concern that referring this to the House was an attempt to delay the business of the House. The relevance and the importance of Parliament only exist if we actually protect the powers we have as legislators.
I undertook on Monday—having spoken to the House leader for His Majesty's loyal opposition—that this would not be raised before adjournment at the end of this week for the planned recess, if it was referred to the House. That wasn't to the satisfaction of government members, so I question their sincerity in raising that as their objection.
We have, Chair, checked all the boxes. We checked the box of giving the departments a lot more time. We checked the box of giving them the opportunity to come here individually to offer statements or remarks, expanding on their opportunity to correspond in writing with this committee.
The majority of the representatives from these organizations declined to even speak to the issue. They were given the opportunity to come, and they were given the time to produce the documents. We've had the legal opinion from the House, which is crystal clear, that we as a committee are, without restriction, entitled to these documents. Cost, time, care and control of the documents are not the issue. The issue is that these entities do not recognize the right of Parliament to require the production of these documents. That's what it comes down to. Either we're effective and we have the powers that have been given to us as a parliamentary standing committee, or we give them away.
Often in the House, when the opposition asks the government about what's going on at committee, the response is that committees are independent and masters of their own domain. There's no party line. There's no supply and confidence agreement that would weigh into this. It's strictly the opinion of the regular members of this committee—or the associate members, who are appropriately substituted onto the committee—that this does rise to affect our privileges as a committee.
This is the foundation on which all of the work that we do is built—our ability to actually get people to come and talk to us and give us the papers to read so that we can understand the issues.
I'm not a lawyer. We brought one today. He doesn't work for the opposition; he works for Canada's Parliament. We heard, in response to my questions of some of these same witnesses last week, that they're not lawyers, but they disagree with the one of Canada's Parliament. I'm going to err on the side of Canada's Parliament in this case. My understanding is supported by what we've heard from his testimony, and that's that the privileges of this committee have been violated, and the only way for us to redress this is for the matter to be referred to the House.
That's why I support this motion. I'm very concerned about our ability to meaningfully do any work for the remainder of this Parliament if we don't refer this matter to the House—but also in future Parliaments. I think that's the question we should be concerned with. That's the question, certainly, that I'm concerned with.