Thank you.
I was flipping through the FCPC book. It's pretty good in terms of providing at least overall information about the type of food you should be eating. One of the things I've been doing, at least on the weekends whenever I'm at home, is just reading labels. I obviously didn't pay a whole lot of attention prior to maybe a couple of years ago; you're careful about what you eat based on what you hear from folks and what you read about, versus reading what's actually in there.
I know the chair may not consider me one of the brightest people in caucus, but I certainly don't think I'm at the other end either. One of the difficulties I had, really and truly, is understanding what is in anything I eat. Aside from how many calories are in it and the trans fat issue, there is really no descriptor to me, and this is what I find so ironic. You say on page 13 to look at the label. Basically, when you look at the label you have to get a magnifying class to actually see what you're taking in.
The frustrating part for me is that I don't know what three-quarters of the things are that are actually on the label itself, and then I need to get a magnifying glass to read what I don't know. There's all of this talk about the direction we need to take, and I'm not sure how much it has to do, at the end of the day, with restaurants as with having a pretty clear understanding of what I'm consuming and putting into my body.