Thank you for the question.
Right now, interestingly, there is an initiative called GHS, globally harmonized system, which is an initiative to look at harmonizing chemical classification and labelling. In that respect, the United Nations has sponsored this event and this initiative. The country that is participating in that would be the United States.
If we look at the United States' system in comparison to ours, in terms of trade secret protection and disclosure of ingredients on products, they have a system that is not comparable at all in the sense that their system for trade secret protection relies on a challenge basis. In other words, if you're a supplier in the U.S. market and you believe you have a trade secret, you claim that you do, and you only have to prove it upon a challenge by an affected party, usually in the courts.
In Australia, another country that has an ingredient disclosure system, you cannot claim trade secrecy for certain types of hazards, like carcinogenicity, but there is no systemic review of safety documentation as there is in the Canadian system.
In the EC countries right now there's a new initiative called REACH, which is also looking at some sort of a trade secret mechanism. Again, it's not quite as stringent as the Canadian model. It's looking at certain kinds of hazards that one cannot claim exemption from, but, again, there's no systemic review of all of the safety documentation that goes with a claim for exemption, such as in our case.
What has happened under GHS is that they've looked at the trade secret mechanisms around the world. The Canadian contingent very strongly supports the Canadian model. In fact, the labour representatives on our council who we met with last week were at those meetings in Geneva and spoke to the Canadian system as being an international model.
They have very clearly established broad principles to which all countries must conform, but which allow the Canadian system to remain as stringent as it is, and in fact unique.
So in terms of harmonization, there is actually no effort to harmonize the trade secret mechanisms.