On a second issue, Ms. Kadis brought us the issue of the safety of certain baby products at our meeting on Tuesday. So as mentioned at the meeting, we are going to incorporate this as part of our meeting on toy regulations scheduled for April 1. That was also discussed at the last meeting.
I also wanted to mention that the motion that Ms. Judy Wasylycia-Leis gave notice on, on Tuesday, will be on the agenda for the meeting of February 14, Valentine's Day, because she will not be here until then and she made that request. So I think that's a prudent thing to do out of respect.
The committee will meet next on Tuesday, February 12, at 11 a.m., on the subject of the supply of radioisotopes. Witnesses that have been invited are MDS Nordion and the Canadian Society of Nuclear Medicine. The Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility was also invited, but they were unable to attend, so we'll try to get Mr. Roger Collier, author of the article on isotope surplus that recently appeared in the Canadian Medical Association Jounal. We're working on that right now, and hopefully we'll be able to get him.
Dr. Bennett.