Let me add to what Patrick has just said. Not only is it likely that if you weren't on the regular list of people to be consulted about organs, you wouldn't have received the notice, but also, based on our information, there was no reference to the exclusionary criteria in a specific sense, so people wouldn't even know that this list actually said, “Exclude men who have had sex with men in the preceding five years.”
We know the standard reference in the regulations was not attached to the gazetted regulations. We know it was not posted with the electronic version of the regulations, and it's not easily accessible online. So who the heck would have known? And you didn't receive any direct notice. It tells me that we need to go back to the drawing board and start again and make sure that everybody is consulted properly.
I want to ask Nigel and others a question around the contradictions of this government. On the one hand, it appears to be ready to be real tough in excluding men who have had sex with men in the preceding five years from ever donating organs. These are men who have no evidence of high-risk behaviour; they could have monogamous relationships with one man in a longstanding marriage, yet they're excluded. But an organization like Kali Shiva, in Winnipeg, which helps deal with high-risk populations in terms of HIV and AIDS—I've read the Winnipeg statistics, and we're dealing with a high incidence among women and aboriginals and sex trade workers, and so on—has been cut back in its funding by the federal government because it does too much work on harm reduction. Maybe you can give us some enlightenment on that point.
Also, let me raise the issue of the precautionary principle, which seems to be the modus operandi of the government on this issue, even though there are no risk factors associated with gay men necessarily. They don't want to talk about all the other high-risk areas, such as multiple sex partners, unprotected sex, use of a sex trade worker, and so on, but they'll single out men who might have a monogamous relationship. How do you justify use of the precautionary principle around that when in fact when it comes to things like bisphenol A, which is a hormone disrupter that could cause breast and prostate cancer, the government says, “Well, we're going to wait and see if there's any harm done,” even though the science is in?
Maybe some of you could explain some of those issues and say whether or not you agree, first, that we need to amend the regulation consistent with scientific facts, as Dr. Levy said; secondly, that we need to establish a strong national organ transplantation agency, with a registry; and thirdly, that we need to consult broadly with experts before instituting changes through legislation.
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