It's been a fascinating discussion, and now we're down to the three minutes. Time is really limited, so I'm going to fire three questions out here as quickly as I can and hope that I can retrieve three answers.
We're discussing the effects of drugs on adolescents, and surveillance. Somebody mentioned SSRIs. The effect on adolescents can be very dramatically different, as I understand it, from what we expect in adults. Maybe somebody could comment on that.
I believe it was Mary who commented on the fourth to sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., about 100,000, with 1.5 million hospitalizations. In Canada it would be about 10% of those numbers--10,000 and 150,000, respectively. The Ross Baker study--University of Toronto--suggested 24,000 deaths a year in Canada, conservatively. That's just hospital-based. On the difference between the 10,000 and 24,000, are you referring in one instance just to drug-related, inappropriately, or even appropriately?
The third one is coming off Susan Kadis's comment about the new bill, and will it help. The new bill really eliminates the food and drug context of the Food and Drugs Act. It puts natural health products and drugs in the same category. My question really is this. As therapeutic products, should low-cost, low-risk, non-patentable, orthomolecular remedies--vitamins and minerals--be subjected to the same level of pre- and post-market surveillance as pharmaceutical drugs, which are obviously altered from a natural form?