On behalf of Truehope, we express our gratitude for being able to be here today and to be heard.
Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd. is an Alberta-based non-profit organization that provides a unique nutritional supplement and program to Canadians who suffer from bipolar and other mood disorders. Truehope has had a long struggle with Health Canada. Co-founders Anthony Stephan and David Hardy appeared before this committee on May 16, 2005.
Truehope was charged by Health Canada for unlawfully selling a drug without a drug identification number and appeared in 2006 before the Provincial Court of Alberta. The following is an overview of the principal points of the decision of Judge Gerard M. Meagher in awarding Truehope their defence of necessity and due diligence.
Point 1: The evidence presented by Truehope was credible and compelling. When the supplement was removed, violent behaviour, mood swings, and the possibility of suicide quickly returned.
Point 2: The Alberta head of the Canadian Mental Health Association expressed grave concern for the conduct of Health Canada, and there would be suicides if the supplement was prevented from reaching those in need. He testified that he knew of cases and even attended the funeral of one of the people who chose suicide rather than go back to the treatment Health Canada had directed him to do.
Point 3: The court found it reasonable that Truehope participants were in imminent peril or danger without the supplement.
Point 4: Ample evidence was presented to the court that Health Canada was aware of the possible harm to participants, especially evidenced in Health Canada's conduct in setting up a 1-800 crisis line.
Point 5: Truehope was overwhelmingly compelled to disobey the regulation in order to protect the health, safety, and well-being of participants.
Point 6: A double standard existed where Truehope could get no resolution. Yet the Canadian Mental Health Association was successful each time it intervened on behalf of its members.
Point 7: Health Canada's response to the public outcry was to encourage psychiatric treatment with medications that had negative side effects.
Point 8: Truehope was under a duty to provide the supplement as described in sections 216 and 217 of the Criminal Code of Canada, where complying with regulations is no defence to charges of criminal negligence.
Point 9: The harm that was sought to be avoided in disobeying the regulations was significant and severe. The harm inflicted in the circumstances of disobeying the regulations was insignificant when compared to the harm avoided. Truehope is granted a defence of necessity.
Point 10: It was evident that Truehope took all reasonable care to comply with the law in the circumstances and is awarded a defence of due diligence.
Point 11: While not the clearest case of abuse of process, the court found that some of the conduct of Health Canada would influence Truehope's belief that no legal alternative was left to it, and it had to disobey the regulations, although all reasonable care was taken to comply with the law.
I'll bring your attention to just some of the points in these excerpts from the court's decision.
In section 102, near the end of the paragraph:
They [Health Canada] were aware of the letter of March 6, 2003 from the Defendants [Truehope] to Health Canada voicing concerns that denial of the supplement would jeopardize the health of the participants in the program.... The Crown witnesses maintained that they were just taking orders and following the policies and directives of their superiors. The Crown witnesses were unaware of any mechanism to deal with circumstances where an enforcement action could be harmful to health nor did they investigate this matter further. Unfortunately, none of their superiors testified at the trial.
Section 103:
Another example of the conduct of Health Canada that contributed to an abuse of process was that representatives of Health Canada were not forthcoming with the Defendants by failing to tell them that it was not possible for the Defendants to obtain a D.I.N. [drug identification number] for the supplement under the existing drug approval regime, even though this belief was known at different levels of Health Canada. Health Canada had this knowledge as demonstrated in various emails and other dealings with Dr. Kaplan.
In closing, the conclusion by the court was this: the defendants are not guilty of count three in the information; the defendants are entitled to rely upon a defence of necessity and due diligence.
The questions we bring to the committee today are these. In light of the fact that a market authorization has not been granted to Truehope, recognizing their legal and moral duties to continue, what is Truehope to do? Second, can Health Canada and Truehope be summoned to appear before this committee to review and discuss this file and receive this committee's recommendations?
Although Truehope has engaged the new NPN process on all levels, a market authorization has not been granted. Communication has broken down, and Truehope continues to be characterized as non-compliant. Some may say, in reviewing the 2003-2006 struggle, “that was then and this is now”, but Truehope says that what was then continues now, only in a lesser degree.
Based upon the long history of this struggle with Health Canada, Truehope and the thousands of Canadians who rely upon the supplement and program feel vulnerable. If new laws were ever passed that gave sweeping new enforcement and seizure powers to Health Canada, Truehope is concerned that we would become subject to biased and retaliatory actions.