The regulations themselves.... It's what's happening with natural products, and this is why the third category is probably necessary.
For example, you can go out and buy a Ferrari Testarossa or you can buy Le Car. They're both regulated products and they're both for transportation. And then you can get a two-wheeled scooter like my kids ride out on the street. They all serve a purpose, but clearly there's a significant difference in the potential risk between the scooter my son is on, on the street, and the Ferrari Testarossa. How do you balance that? The suggestion the committee arrived at 10 years ago was to have a third category.
In terms of the standards of evidence, etc., that are used to make therapeutic claims or what have you, the gold standard, as I hear it talked of all the time, is the double-blind placebo control clinical trial, which will give you a very good statistical predictor of how effective that product will be in any given situation. There's the old joke about the statistician; he has his head in the oven and his feet in ice water, and when you ask him how he feels, he says, “Well, on average I feel fine.” But the fact is, the statistics don't speak to the individual case.
I think even the more scientifically inclined here would look at genomics and begin to understand that there are dramatic differences between individuals, even out of the same cultures. For instance, a product that I can take that makes my symptoms go away, be it cancer or heart disease, may not work for somebody else. But the fact is it works for me, and I don't think I should justify my better health to anybody. It is my body, after all.