I understand that it's much easier for Dr. Butler-Jones to come here at 4:30. As long as we have an agreement in the committee that with votes or whatever we'll make sure there is adequate time for us to do our work as a committee....
I have sent to the clerk a number of names of witnesses who I think would be prepared to make some commentary or enlighten us in terms of how things are going on the ground.
In the province of Québec, in particular, there are Drs Massé, Lessard and Poirier.
There's also Dr. Isaac Sobol in Nunavut, who has his already done.
Also, there are some of the local medical officers of health.
In B.C., there's Dr. Perry Kendall, who gave excellent testimony in the summer. We'd like to see how things are going there.
Obviously there's Dr. Daly from Vancouver, who is worrying desperately about the effect on the upcoming Olympics. We don't know whether--