The monitoring program was focused to try to capture as much information as possible on the sources of intake of trans fats. It was essentially focusing on those foods that were known to have higher levels, so it focused at first on the prepackaged food sectors. Essentially a sampling plan was developed to capture over 80% of the market share for the prepackaged food sector. About 1100 food items were analyzed over a two-year period. We mobilized three government laboratories in Ottawa, Winnipeg, and Toronto to do that type of analysis. We also checked the nutrition facts tables to look at their effectiveness in indicating the levels of trans fats and compared the levels on the label to the levels found by laboratory analysis.
We focused also on the other sectors. It was essentially the food service sector with a focus on the major food chains, but there were also other areas where we knew there might be a potentially significant intake of trans fat. We also surveyed ethnic restaurants, cafeterias, and small and medium-sized restaurants.
As I indicated, that monitoring program was essential for us to capture information on our intake of trans fat. I have provided you with the preliminary estimate, which is that we have gone down to 3.4 grams per day, or having 1.4% of the energy provided by trans fat.