I think if we look internationally, a number of countries in Europe are very good at the way they collect and disseminate their data and make their data useful. There's a product that has come out of the World Health Organization in Europe, which is a series of report cards on childhood injuries for each of the countries. I know a number of us who were at the international conference in London this summer are trying to develop a similar set of products for Canada. That's one area to learn from.
Within the country there are a number of provinces that are better than others at collecting and disseminating their data. I would say the work that has been done in British Columbia in partnership with the B.C. Injury Research and Prevention Unit on making injury data transparent, easily accessible, and available to all community partners across the province is stellar. We should have similar-looking product available in every province in this country.
Last, I would like to flag that the research team Alison is a part of is working on developing a set of standardized indicators for childhood injury. I think that's really important work, as well.