Thank you very much.
I am representing Canadian Light Source. Therefore, my presentation will focus on the potential applications and realistic applications of synchrotron light for health research. I am not sure if all members of the committee have visited Canadian Light Source in Saskatchewan. You are more than welcome, and I am inviting you. Therefore, I will say a few words about what a synchrotron light source is.
In principle, there is an electronic accelerator, and it is a huge one. The circumference is something like a soccer field, 160 metres. Electrons are accelerated and they are producing light, also visible light. The most important property, and the only one you should keep in mind, is the X-ray intensity of this machine is a million times higher than the most intense X-ray machine that you can use in hospitals. If you keep that in mind, it means the most important property is the extremely high intensity when it comes to X-rays. You can do things and develop new techniques based on the applications of X-rays.
This machine can serve several users at the same time. At this point, we have 15 different stations that are used in parallel. This machine is operated 24/7 and for something like 5,000 hours per year.
I would like to cover two parts. One part is the general potential of synchrotron radiation for health research. Then, I would like to highlight a few examples of the research that is going on at Canadian Light Source in Saskatchewan.
I will start with my standard opening statement. The basic or fundamental research is extremely crucial in the area of health research. In basic research you are developing the tools that you can apply in applied research. Without good basic research, there is no good applied research. That's normally my opening statement.
What can synchrotron radiation do for health research? There are three different areas.
The first one is basic research on health-related problems. I will give you some examples.
The second one is a direct application for drug development. At this point, that is the most important part. More or less all pharmaceutical companies that are doing research in drug development are using synchrotron radiation facilities somewhere in the world.
The last one is, because of that high intensity, you can develop completely new diagnostic and treatment techniques based on X-rays. That means improving the techniques that are available in hospitals.
Regarding some examples for basic research, there are a lot of diseases where the molecular origin, the molecular level, is not well known.
I learned that the next presentation will focus on Alzheimer's. There is a lot of speculation, for example, that metals, and aluminum was discussed, could cause some of the Alzheimer's cases. I'm not taking away from the other presentation, but sorry about that.
There are other issues, such as how cancer drugs really work. With Cisplatin, for example, there are a lot of basic things that are not well understood. What is really important and challenging is the opportunities for nanoparticles for biomedical applications. It starts with very simple things, using magnetic nanoparticles as drug carriers. Is it possible to get a drug directly to a tumour? That means if you use chemotherapy, you are not poisoning the patient close to the point that the patient is dying, but you are targeting things. Nanoparticles have a huge potential for that.
That is basic research. I already mentioned drug development. The problem is, for a long time drug development was trial and error. Industry was using 10,000 starting compounds and they were just testing which one had potential.
If you know which target you have, which virus is causing the disease, and you know the three-dimensional structure, you can do what is called rational drug design. You can design a drug based on the structural information, and that's called the key-lock principle. It means you have a lock, and you design the key to go into that lock. That is the way drug companies are doing that, but you need the three-dimensional structure of the virus.
The example that I normally mention is HIV. For a long time, HIV was a deadly disease. It's now a chronic disease. The reason is people understand better the structure of the virus and the changes of the structure of the virus. That knowledge is based on synchrotron radiation research, which unfortunately is not done in my facility, but is done in Stanford.
At this point there are something like 40 or 50 drugs either on the market already or under development that are based on that rational drug design. Pharmaceutical companies around the world are spending significant amounts of money for that. For example, nine companies in the U.S. form a consortium at the Advanced Photon facility in Chicago, and they operate one experimental station jointly. At least they are paying jointly for the operation. Of course, they are doing their research independently.
There was drug development, and then the development of new diagnostic tools. As you might know if you go to a hospital, the X-ray technique today is the same that was used more than 100 years ago. They used an X-ray film. Now you have a CCD camera on the other side, but the technique is 100 years old. There was hardly any improvement.
What you also might know is X-ray techniques are not extremely sensitive. For example, breast cancer is not detected because the MD sees a difference in the structure of the healthy and the cancerous tissues; it's detected because of calcification. That's a secondary process in the detection.
If you could develop a technique that would detect cancerous tissue directly with a huge sensitivity in the sub-millimetre range that allowed you to detect metastases very early, it would be a breakthrough in cancer detection and early treatment.
There are techniques that Canadian Light Source developed that are going exactly in that direction. Our challenge is that you can't bring several thousand patients a year into a research facility. The challenge for us is the transfer of that technique that's developed at a research facility into hospitals. In all those cases that I'm talking about, that's a very important point to keep in mind.
The second point is biopsy. You might know that an MD looks through a microscope, and it's the experience of the MD that is a crucial part for the right diagnosis. If you have more objective tools using spectroscopic ways of analyzing your tissue sample, there could be a significant improvement. People are working in that direction.
That was the general overview. What are we doing at Canadian Light Source? We are what is called the user facility. That means I'm operating this facility for Canadian and international users. In 2011, for example, 600 users from 200 institutions around Canada came to use our facility.
As an aside for the committee, beyond synchrotron radiation, we are also building a facility for isotope production, technetium-99, molybdenum-100 . When the Chalk River nuclear power station or the nuclear plant is closed down, I hope we can step in.
At this time, something like 20% of our users at Canadian Light Source are doing health-related research, and something like 30% of the publications that are coming out of our research are directly connected to health research.
My users are doing research in the three areas that I mentioned. In basic research, I gave three examples.
Crohn's disease is one of those diseases where the origin is not really clear. Then there are some types of esophagus cancer where you can see early stages of changes in the structure of cells by spectroscopic techniques. If these techniques could be completely developed and transferred to hospitals, there could be a breakthrough in early diagnosis of cancer in various forms.
When it comes to drug development, we have a broad group--