Two minutes left. Okay.
On primary health care transformation, Dr. John Millar appeared before this committee earlier in the year on behalf of one of our members, and talked about the things that need to be done. There are some good examples of programs, whether from Norway or elsewhere.
I would particularly bring to your attention what's going on in the Basque region of Spain, where they have a whole new strategy around dealing with chronic diseases at a community level and are really seeing some good results, in which again primary care is linked with prevention and there is a much greater focus on prevention within primary health care teams.
Of course, this also requires that we need interprofessional-trained teams. We need electronic information systems. We're still in the early days...[Inaudible--Editor]. We need appropriate payment systems. And we need governance for our health care that enables community involvement.
We're really asking the federal government to support projects in the transformation of primary health care as was done after the 2004 health accord.
I'll just quickly turn it back to Scott for some concluding remarks.