I guess I both agree and disagree with what has just been shared by my colleague.
I agree that there are many connections between academia and industry, but also health care players are connected in many ways. I sit on the board of IHSPR, which is one of the 13 CIHR institutes close to health services and policy research. That institute has worked quite a lot in the past ten years to create those connections with policy-makers, decision-makers, and getting the evidence out there in the system.
So there are plenty of connections, and I don't think we need more. I think we need to be able to sit down together, talk together, but we are good at doing stuff that we are good at doing, respectively.
The point on which I disagree is that I don't believe the U.S. is the model for Canada, or not in terms of innovation development strategy. The venture capital that we don't have in Canada, as the data have shown, often means that we lose a lot. We don't gain out of that game so much, and I don't think we will be on top of that game in the near future, because we don't have a similar kind of tissu industriel. We don't have the same type of businesses in the country.
I don't feel we need to look at the U.S. as a model to replicate.