I don't know.... Basically, we're not enforcing it any more. Drug companies say, “Well, you know, things are different now so this is normal, and we're not respecting the deal anymore.” For me, what it would mean, basically, is that if the deal is dead from the side of drug companies, the deal should be dead as well from the side of the government—so maybe not less generous patent protection, but at least transforming the way we price drugs in Canada, the fact that we're always aiming to be the world's fourth most expensive country....
Basically, the idea of “A Modest Proposal” was suggested in the context of the CETA negotiations. The idea is that if you want to go forward with increasing patent protection in order to be more at par with Europe, well, if you want to be at par, decrease patented drug prices by 15%. Scrap the patent linkage system that we have in Canada. Italy tried to implement a patent linkage system, and Europe basically said no, that it could not do that, that it did not have the right to do that, but they're imposing on us to extend even more the patent linkage system.
In these conditions, if then you want to bring in patent restoration, which is something that is also sensible and could make sense, the idea is, well, if you provide any privileges, impose conditions. It is a kind of nonsense to say, okay, let's provide more privileges and magically we'll get some spinoff out of that. This is not how things work. It worked in 1987 because we imposed conditions, and we need to impose conditions now as well.