Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
What we're hearing from you is somewhat repetitive; we're hearing it from everyone who has come before us.
There are two issues I wanted to talk about. One of them is, how do you see government levering money for the basic scientific research, which you say is absolutely necessary, curiosity research, etc., so that you can take that and jump it to commercialization, if necessary. But sometimes it doesn't become commercialized. What is the vehicle that you see government using to do that? That's the first question.
The second question has to do with translational research and commercialization, and how the government could play a role.
There was a government program that started around 1998 with the help of people like Michael Smith, who pushed it. It was called Technology Partnerships Canada. Today, Technology Partnerships Canada only deals with widgets, things you can see, hold, feel, etc. But Technology Partnerships Canada was based on what Libby was talking about, which is that the university does the research, the university comes up with the idea, and then they twin with a commercial venture capitalist or commercial venture company and the government provides equal funding. If the government put funding in, there would be equal funding put in by a private sector investor or by a company, for instance.
Some of the best examples actually don't come out of biomedical research but come out of aerospace, such as MacDonald Dettwiler that did work on the CASSIOPE, a huge Canadian venture that is now up in space and being used by everyone. It came out of the University of Alberta, which worked with MacDonald Dettwiler and the government to partner and commercialize it. It worked. It worked very well for a while and it's no longer there.
My question is, do you think that is still a good vehicle to move forward with in terms of biomedical research? If so, do you think that the tripartite partners—the university, government, company or commercial group—could bring it together, or do you think there's another partner that should come in? Are the three partners the only solution? How do you see that?
The first is a basic research question and the second one, of course, is the one about how you see something like Technology Partnerships Canada coming back and being applied to biomedical research. This is one of Canada's biggest niches that we can excel in. Really, we should be looking at how we do that. I agree with you on that.