All your points are very well taken.
Primary prevention of type 2 diabetes is a critical piece of the strategy that we're recommending. To my knowledge, I think it's a much stronger element of the strategy than it was in the previous strategy.
It means ensuring that we address food insecurity so that people have access to healthy food. For many people who are living in poverty, it's just really impossible to eat a healthy diet due to costs and due to the availability of foods.
Also, it's really important that we ensure every Canadian is getting their 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every week. We were really fortunate to have Participaction as part of one of our working groups in developing the diabetes 360º strategy. Implementing these recommendations would be a partnership with organizations such as Participaction, which are experts in making sure that we're getting everybody moving to the greatest extent possible.
We really have to do a number of things to improve the environment in which we all live, including everything from ensuring movement to making healthy options available in the vending machines. My child plays competitive hockey. It's terrible trying to eat while you're on the road. We need to make healthier options available more regularly.
Then, in terms of screening, I think that anywhere we can screen, we ought to, with the understanding that it's not as easy as just bringing a glucometer or a questionnaire and getting people to fill it out wherever they are. If we can't help to put some context around what the results mean for that individual and then guide them towards the appropriate health care intervention if they need it, it falls a bit short.
What diabetes 360º recommends is that we first of all make sure that all health care professionals who are seeing patients are screening according to the guidelines, and then, secondly, that we do a number of initiatives based on those that have been proven by research to make screening more available where people are—in pharmacies.
If you are on the Hill on November 6, we're bringing a bus here for our Diabetes Day on the Hill, and we'll do a screening not only for diabetes but for all cardiovascular risks. There are limited spots. Do sign up now.