I'll offer a comment to start.
One of the key elements that I think will be absolutely necessary to have in place, and that currently needs some infrastructure support and coordination, is around real-world evidence. If you imagine a future state where we can conditionally approve a drug, or where the payers conditionally approve a drug, their level of confidence about the clinical impact may be muted, so we have concerns about implementing the drug. However, because of patient need, there is a desire to do so.
You'd want to be sure, given the cost of these drugs, that at some point over the course of time you can evaluate whether the clinical outcomes you think you're paying for are actually the clinical outcomes you are paying for. The ability to collect, to analyze and to use real-world evidence is an area that I think we could excel at in this country. We have exceptional researchers and exceptional analysts. We have done an insufficient amount to coordinate that system.
Having said that, on October 21, CADTH, the Institute of Health Economics, Health Canada and one other organization, whose name I'm forgetting at the moment, organized a summit. An action plan is coming out of that. If there's a way to support that action plan, if it's supported by partners, it would be a positive step.