I have limited time, so I'll stop you there.
I will leave my last question with each of you. It goes back to the secrecy.
Mr. Clark, we talked about how “the PMPRB bases its cost comparisons on public list prices, even though it’s well known that drug companies secretly negotiate substantial discounts and rebates, cutting the true cost of medicines by as much as 50% for some countries.” I would ask you to comment on that.
Ms. Logan, I haven't had an opportunity to really ask you any questions. CADTH is sort of based on the Therapeutics Initiative in British Columbia. We had testimony from Dr. Tom Perry, who said that “it repeated one of the mistakes of the B.C. government, and that is to guarantee secrecy to the pharmaceutical industry's sponsors on the grounds of protecting commercial or trade interests.”
So there's all the research that goes in, secretly paid for; researchers pledged to confidentiality; and all that research of comparing efficacy, not in the public realm. I'd like to hear comments from each of you on that, if I could.