Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you all for being here. I can tell that your front-line experience dealing with the full gamut of substance use and addiction is powerful and something that this committee really needs.
I'm going to do something a little bit different.
You have all answered all the questions I had by describing very accurately what the roots of the problems are, so I'm going to pick up on something that was said. I think Ms. Blyth said the words “doing something we haven't done”, and someone else mentioned that we need a fundamental policy shift.
Here are the answers I heard you give that I was going to ask, but it's redundant now.
I heard that there is widespread contamination of drug supply across this country. I have numbers and figures. It was 39% of the drugs tested recently in British Columbia that were not at all what the person purchasing the drugs thought they were. I heard Ms. Jackson say that cocaine is actually meth, so we know there's widespread contamination.
We know that there is—let's just call it what it is—grossly inadequate access to timely treatment in this country across the board, every modality, every population, from indigenous people to women to young people. Whether you're dealing with alcohol all the way to heroin, people can't get access when they need it. If there's one thing we know about addiction, it's that when a person is ready to seek treatment—if they are ever ready to seek treatment—you have to get them in now or it's a death sentence.
I think, Mr. Favel, you described this endless cycle, this 19th-century approach to drug use and addiction, treating it as a criminal issue as opposed to a health issue.
I'm going to get right to what I think are some of the foundational solutions and get your opinion on this.
To each one of you, isn't it time that we stop treating drug use and addiction as a criminal issue and start dealing with it as a health issue?