Thanks very much.
Mr. Davies asked what you would do to best help your community if you were prime minister. I think the best thing that you could do is send all Canadians on the same trip that we made last week. We learned so much. I was sitting here thinking, “What is the emotion that I feel?” The emotion that I feel is a privilege to see and hear what we heard last week and today. We heard the most intimate, personal issues that we don't usually hear. I came back from that trip—I think we all did—really moved and humbled by it, so if I were prime minister, I would send everybody in Canada to go do what we did, if they can survive it.
Anyway, I want to thank all of you for your participation. It's been very helpful.
I know, Mr. Coolman, from your opening remarks that you're in a hurry, but this place doesn't move fast. However, it's progress. I believe you're making progress, and things like this make a difference. It will help.
Thank you on behalf of the committee.
We're going to break for a few minutes, and then we're going to go in camera.
[Proceedings continue in camera]