Thank you, Minister.
Minister, as you know, increasing home care services to Canadians is a critically essential innovation for our health care system, and I'd like to ask you about it.
I'm going to quote from the 2015 Liberal platform, in chapter 1.
We will negotiate a new Health Accord with provinces and territories, including a long-term agreement on funding.
As an immediate commitment, we will invest $3 billion, over the next four years, to deliver more and better home care services for all Canadians.
Minister, as is crystal clear from your platform, the Liberals' commitment to $3 billion for home care was entirely separate from the health accord and was promised to commence in year one of your mandate. Here we are entering your second year in office. Canadians have not seen a nickel of federal money for home care, and you have tied the home care funding to the health accord negotiations.
Why have you not kept your election promise?